

February 6, 2023
1.. The below PDF file...
… is the Closure Presentation of LuWQ2022, presented Thursday 15 September 2022.
2.. We have the following DOCX file ...
<LuWQ2022_PDF files of ORAL and POSTER presentations during conference, FINAL, 06-02-2023.docx>
3.. This above DOCX file is the LuWQ2022 conference programme, with links to all oral and poster presentations for which AUTHORS HAVE GIVEN PERMISSION for publication of their presentation.
4.. Subsequently, the DOCX file of the LuWQ2022 conference programme was transformed to its PDF version,
5.. The only missing link in the PDF file of the LuWQ2022 conference programme was the missing link to the PDF file of the Closure Presentation.
6.. The link to the Closure Presentation PDF was established (activated) at the text "Closure session: Brian Kronvang (Aarhus University, Denmark)", at the end of page 25 of the PDF file of the LuWQ2022 conference programme.
7.. After the step 6, the FINAL PDF file of the LuWQ2022 conference programme, with ALL LINKS on LuWQ2022 website is:
<LuWQ2022_PDF files of ORAL and POSTER presentations during conference, FINAL, 06-02-2023.pdf>

February 3, 2023
- activated the webpage 'Conference Closure (PDF)' appearing under the tab Downloads.
The webpage 'Conference Closure (PDF)' can also be opened from the webpage 'Progress
Overview in Nutshell' (under the tabs Programme, and Miscellaneous), and from the HOME page.
File '999a-ORAL_Kronvang-Fraters-Wendland-Kovar_Closure-of-LuWQ2022_after-conference.pdf'

December 13, 2022
- updated the webpage 'Volume of Abstracts (PDF)' by replacing the current PDF version by file
'LuWQ2022_Volume of Abstracts_web_POST-CONFERENCE_UPDATE_20221012_v2.pdf' .
This new version is: "POST-CONFERENCE PUBLICATION, as UPDATE based on comments from participants, Update version 12 October 2022"

December 5, 2022
- activated the webpage 'Introductory Conf. Themes (PDF)' appearing under the tab Downloads.
The webpage 'Introductory Conf. Themes (PDF)' can also be opened from the webpage 'Progress
Overview in Nutshell' (under the tabs Programme, and Miscellaneous), and from the HOME page.
File '#000u ORAL_Fraters etal_LuWQ2022 Introduction - Agriculture and the Environment.pdf'

December 4, 2022
- updated the webpage 'Conference Programme (PDF)', as POST-CONFERENCE_20221125, UPDATE 12-10-2022
File 'LuWQ2022_conference_programme_FINAL_20221125, UPDATE 12-10-2022, incl. TWO COVER PAGES.pdf'

September 5, 2022
- activated the webpage 'Volume of Abstracts (PDF)', containing 113 oral and 58 poster presentations, as they will be presented at LuWQ2022 conference

September 5, 2022
- updated the webpage 'Conference Programme (PDF)', by publishing the FINAL Word-based version (on page 1 dated 30 August 2022) with oral and poster presentations, and ALSO with session chairs. This version will be used during the conference

August 10, 2022
- updated the webpage 'Conference Programme (PDF)', by publishing the first Word-based PRELIMINARY version with oral and poster presentations, yet without session chairs. This Word-version replaces the previous Excel-based outline (one-page Excel-sheet), with oral presentations only

July 11, 2022
- activated the webpage 'Speaker and Poster Instructions'

July 4, 2022
- updated the webpage 'Conference Programme (PDF)', as an Excel-based outline (one-page Excel-sheet), with oral presentations only. The adapted Excel file is dated 01-07-2022

June 16, 2022
- activated the webpage 'Conference Programme (PDF)', as an Excel-based outline (one-page Excel-sheet), with oral presentations only

June 14, 2022
- activated the webpage 'Programme at a Glance'

May 13, 2022
- activated the webpage ‘Disclaimer and Liability’, and updated (small changes) webpages ‘Abstracts from Scientific Advisory Committee’, ‘Cancellations and Changes’ and ‘Registration Fee’

April 26, 2022
- updated the webpage ‘List Accepted Abstracts (PDF)', as second version of accepted oral and poster abstracts, based on 233 abstracts, now in PDF file ‘LuWQ2022_abstracts_oral_and_poster_for_web_233_25Apr2022.pdf

April 22, 2022
- closed the possibility to submit abstracts, ‘Abstract submission ... NO LONGER POSSIBLE

April 4, 2022
- adapted the student fee related information text on the webpage ‘Registration for Conference'

April 1, 2022
- activated the webpage ‘Registration for Conference'

March 29, 2022
- activated the webpage ‘List Accepted Abstracts (PDF)', the first version of accepted oral and poster abstracts, based on 215 abstracts

March 18, 2022
- updated the webpage 'Important Dates' by adding into it the information about the social events 'Reception – Icebreaker & Town Hall', 'Maastricht Dine Around (Walking Dinner)' and ‘Conference Dinner’

March 11, 2022
- activated the webpages 'Reception – Icebreaker & Town Hall', 'Maastricht Dine Around (Walking Dinner)', ‘Conference Dinner’ and 'Venue & Map'

February 25, 2022
- activated the webpages 'Accompanying Persons' and ‘Visa Application’

February 21, 2022
- activated the webpage ‘Abstracts from Scientific Advisory Committee’

Abstract submission ... still possible … in principle for posters only

(info 15 February 2022)

February 15, 2022
- after 15 February, status of abstract acceptance is ‘Abstract submission ... still possible … in principle for posters only’

February 7, 2022
- deadline for abstract submission extended from Monday 7 February until Friday 11 February 2022

February 3, 2022
- updated the webpage 'Abstract Submission', downloaded the adapted file ‘TEMPLATE to prepare list of abstract input data, to use to SUBMIT ABSTRACT, 02-02-2022.docx’

This is to remind you that abstract submission is possible
– Abstract submission deadline is 7 February 2022 –

(info 10 January 2022)

January 4, 2022
- activated a link from webpages ‘Cancellations and Changes’ and ‘Registration for Conference’, both pointing to the webpage ‘COVID-19 and Fee Reimbursement’

December 17, 2021
- activated the webpage ‘COVID-19 and Fee Reimbursement’

December 16, 2021
- updated the webpage ‘Important Dates’, by adding information about cancellation costs
- activated the webpage ‘Cancellations and Changes’

November 17, 2021
- omitted Esther Wattel (RIVM) as member of Organising Committee LuWQ2022, as she just started a new job at another Dutch organisation. Thank you, Esther! 😊

November 6, 2021
- in Scientific Advisory Committee, replaced Maria Stenberg (Sweden) by Katarina Kyllmar (also Sweden)

October 25, 2021
- activated the webpage 'Abstract Submission', abstracts can now be submitted for presentation at LuWQ2022 conference

October 25, 2021
- updated the webpages 'Progress Overview in Nutshell' and 'Abstract Submission', as preparation for activation of webpage ‘Abstract Submission’ on 25 October 2021

October 12, 2021
- updated the webpage 'Themes and Topics'

August 30, 2021
- updated the webpage 'Abstract Submission' (adapted files ‘TEMPLATE to prepare list of abstract input data, to use to SUBMIT ABSTRACT, 01-11-2020.docx’ and ‘SEVEN STEPS composing process of abstract submission, 09-10-20202.pdf’)
- updated the webpages 'Important Dates' and 'Registration Fee', as simple changes to the text. Dates and financial information were not changed. Also checked a colour in the webpage ‘Progress Overview in Nutshell’.

June 3, 2021
Activated POP-UP frame on LuWQ2021-HOME to inform LuWQ2021 visitors that LuWQ2021 conference was postponed to 12-15 September 2022 and therefore renamed to LuWQ2022. LuWQ2021 website is no more active. The visitor can make use of a CLICK to bring him directly to LuWQ2022 website. Alternatively, the visitor can copy the link “” and paste it into his browser to open the LuWQ2022 website.

May 28, 2021
- activated the website of conference LuWQ2022

May 21, 2021
Fifth update to transform LuWQ2021 into LuWQ2022
- updated the flyers (A4 and A3), to be consistent with LuWQ2022 conference dates 12-15 September 2022

May 6, 2021
Fourth update to transform LuWQ2021 into LuWQ2022
- updated the webpage ‘Special Sessions’ by replacing the previous two special sessions S1 and S2 by two new special sessions S1 and S2

May 6, 2021
Third update to transform LuWQ2021 into LuWQ2022

- updated the webpage 'Progress Overview in Nutshell ' by adapting to the text “[2] Special Session S2 to review current approaches and measures for protection of drinking water resources against nitrate and pesticide pollution in the EU (FAIRWAY) etc. for a more effective drinking water protection.” to “[2] Special Session S2 on approaches and measures for protection of drinking water resources against nitrate and pesticide pollution etc.”

May 6, 2021
Second update to transform LuWQ2021 into LuWQ2022

This update includes:
- Webpage Registration for Conference
- Webpage Abstract Submission & Covid-19 (deleted)
- Webpage Previous LuWQ Conferences
- Webpage News

May 5, 2021
First update to transform LuWQ2021 into LuWQ2022

The update regards adapting the calendar dates in existing LuWQ2021 webpages to the dates relevant for LuWQ2022 website. Updates will be done in a shielded IT environment, once all updates are done to be renamed to

This update includes:
- HOME page
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Webpage Progress Overview in Nutshell
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Webpage Important Dates
- Webpage Registration Fee
- Webpage News


## START DEVELOPMENT of LuWQ2022 conference ##
12-15 September 2022
, Maastricht, Netherlands


## LuWQ2021 conference renamed to LuWQ2022 ##
12-15 September 2022, Maastricht, Netherlands

## LuWQ2022 website to be activated by end May 2021 ##
LuWQ2022 website will be

## Abstract submission possible from end October 2021 ##

(info 22 February 2021)

LuWQ2021 conference postponed until 12-15 September 2022 #
## Abstract submission is now closed ##
## More information on this website follows ##

(info 29 January 2021)

November 6, 2020
- activated the webpage 'Abstract Submission'

November 5, 2020
- updated the temporary full-text webpage 'Abstract Submission'

November 4, 2020
- activated the webpage 'Abstract Submission & Covid-19'

November 2, 2020
- activated the first version of webpage ‘Abstract Submission & Covid-19’, as rudimentary version with minimum text

October 26, 2020
- adapted links to external websites, to ensure that external websites open in a new Tab (Firefox, Microsoft Edge, etc.)

October 14, 2020
- activated the temporary webpage ‘Registration for Conference’, rudimentary version with minimum text and without an active click “YOU CAN REGISTER …”, the click to be activated later to make the registration possible

October 13, 2020
- updated the flyers (A4 and A3), to be consistent with new conference dates 27-30 September 2021

October 12, 2020
- activated the temporary webpage ‘Abstract Submission’, rudimentary version with minimum text and without an active click “SUBMIT ABSTRACT…”, the click to be activated later to make the abstract submission possible

October 9, 2020
- throughout the entire website replaced the dates (deadlines, etc.) to be consistent with the postponement of LuWQ2021 from 13-16 September 2021 until 27-30 September 2021.
Updated were:
- HOME page
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Webpage Progress Overview in Nutshell
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Webpage Registration Fee
- Webpage Important Dates

## LuWQ2021 conference postponed until 27-30 September 2021 ##

October 1, 2020
- activated the webpage ‘General Information’

September 7, 2020
- update of webpages 'Important Dates' and 'Registration Fee'

August 18, 2020
- throughout the entire website replaced the dates (deadlines, etc.) to be consistent with the postponement of LuWQ2021 until 13-16 September 2021

July 31, 2020
- minor update of HOME and four webpages, related to postponement of LuWQ2021 until 13-16 September 2021

July 14, 2020
- website announcement of postponement of LuWQ2021 by four months until 13-16 September 2021

## LuWQ2021 conference postponed until 13-16 September 2021 ##

RIVM, Bilthoven, the Netherlands; 14 July 2020

Dear All,
among whom attendees of the four previous LuWQ conferences,

Given the uncertainties regarding the consequences of the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic regarding the health of participants and restrictions on travel, we decided to postpone the LuWQ2021 conference by four months until 13-16 September 2021. We decided for the new dates after consultation (survey) among members of our Scientific Advisory Committee.

We will update all deadlines and other time-related activities – as they appear on this website – by the end of August 2020.

The activation of the webpage Abstract Submission (which was planned to open middle July 2020) will also be delayed by about four months, now being planned to open beginning November 2020.

We hope that after the summer of 2021 the coronavirus related uncertainties will have evolved to the better, giving the possibility for you to safely travel to LuWQ2021. We expect that the four-months delay will be beneficial for the success of LuWQ2021 in Maastricht in 13-16 September 2021.

Organising Committee LuWQ2021
(Dico Fraters, Karel Kovar, Brian Kronvang, Frank Wendland, Esther Wattel)

June 26, 2020
- activated the webpage ‘Abstract Submission’. The only content is ‘This webpage will be open for abstract submission starting from 9-14 July 2020.

June 4, 2020
- on the webpage 'Progress Overview in Nutshell' added announcement about Theme G and FAIRWAY Special session S2 (protection of water sources for drinking-water production from pollution by nitrate, pesticides etc.)

June 4, 2020
- updated the webpage HOME, added more text

April 23, 2020
- First version of the website online

This version includes:
- HOME page
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Webpage Progress Overview in Nutshell
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Webpage Scope and Objectives
- Webpage Themes and Topics
- Webpage Special Sessions
- Webpage Scientific Advisory Committee
- Webpage Organisers and Sponsors
- Webpage Venue and Travel
- Webpage Registration Fee
- Webpage Important Dates
- Webpage News
- Webpage Contact Organising Committee
- Webpage Previous LuWQ Conferences
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
- 'Inform me (subscribe updates)' (fill in Name and Email Address)
- Download A3 Flyer, 1page doublesided (PDF)
- Download A4 Flyer, 4pages (PDF)