Abstracts from Scientific Advisory Committee

Abstracts from Scientific Advisory Committee

30 abstracts were received from members of Scientific Advisory Committee and two abstracts from Organising Committee (per 21 February 2022)

Gary Feyereisen, USA
Abstract #5
Eating the metaphorical elephant: Meeting nitrogen reduction goals in the USA’s Upper Mississippi River Basin

Cors van den Brink, the Netherlands
Abstract #7
Dutch approach to meet the nitrate objectives in vulnerable groundwater protection areas reviewed

Patrick Durand, France
Abstract #18
Modelling nitrogen dynamics in farming landscapes: From system understanding to support to policies, 20 years of TNT2 model

Nicolas Surdyk, France
Abstract #22
Challenges for linking agricultural pressure indicators with water quality state indicators – Examples from FAIRWAY project

Michael Trepel, Germany
Abstract #42
Nutrient modelling in the national monitoring program for implementation of the Nitrate Directive

Lærke Thorling, Denmark
Abstract #54
Redox conditions in European groundwater and nitrate pollution potential

Serge Brouyère, Belgium
Abstract #59
The CASPER project: an integrated approach for pollution risk assessment in peri-urban groundwater catchment areas

Wibke Christel, Denmark
Abstract #87
Green transition of Agriculture – How Denmark plans to reduce aquatic N pollution and GHG emissions by transforming the sector and integrating N & C management at farm and landscape scale

Ryan Turner, Australia
Abstract #89
Analysis of fifteen years of anthropogenic loads of sediment, nitrogen and phosphorus entering the Great Barrier Reef, Australia

Ryan Turner, Australia
Abstract #91
Reef Catchments Science Partnership – Enabling water quality improvements for the Great Barrier Reef

Dominika Krzeminska, Norway
Abstract #101
The effect of constructed wetlands under future climate conditions – 18 years of measurements in a small Constructed Wetland in Norway

Phil Jordan, Great Britain
Abstract #104
Using short-rotation willow coppice to mitigate water quality impacts from point sources

Natalie Kieboom, Great Britain
Abstract #109
National Sector Inventory and heat mapping of nitrogen loads to groundwater in England

Martin Schönhart, Austria
Abstract #120
Integrated assessment of policies to manage nutrient losses from agricultural land under climate change in Austria

Gitte Blicher-Mathiesen, Denmark
Abstract #121
Effect of extreme climate events on responses of nitrogen leaching and concentrations in agricultural catchments in Denmark

Gunnar Lischeid, Germany
Abstract #124
The curse of the past – What can tile drain effluent tell about arable field management?

Joachim Rozemeijer, the Netherlands
Abstract #128
Impact of climate variability and water conservation on farm-scale P and N losses towards surface water from four years of high-resolution monitoring

Hans Peter Broers, the Netherlands
Abstract #129
Hydrogeological constraints on age distributions and nitrate evolution in Dutch chalk springs

Phil Jordan, Great Britain
Abstract #134
MCPA: revealing the pressures and addressing the challenges at catchment scale

Katarina Kyllmar, Sweden
Abstract #149
Adaptive water management in the agricultural landscape: A framework for integration of field experiments, long-term monitoring, modelling and local engagement

Pavel Rosendorf, Czech Republic
Abstract #161
Strategy for nutrient reduction in waters in the international Elbe River basin district – Goals and Opportunities

Claudia Heidecke, Germany
Abstract #180
Aspects of implementing Farm to Fork nitrogen targets with tools, measures and policy instruments across Europe

Bob Middleton, Great Britain
Abstract #192
Linking evidence and delivery: evaluating and improving delivery of water quality measures at the farm level

Thomas Harter, USA
Abstract #204
Quantifying long-term regional groundwater quality benefits from agricultural practices

Jenny Deakin, Ireland
Abstract #205
Science-Policy-Action-Outcomes. Ireland’s journey towards improving water quality

Berit Hasler, Denmark
Abstract #207
Cost-effective implementation of the WFD in Denmark – A national scale modelling approach

Berit Hasler, Denmark
Abstract #208
Cost-effective phosphorus load reductions to lakes – An integrated modelling approach

Marco Acutis, Italy
Abstract #209
Is organic farming a solution to promote water quality and ecosystem services in the Russian part of the Baltic Sea catchment area?

Ken Taylor, New Zealand
Abstract #214
The use of quantitative models in environmental regulation in New Zealand: Problems, priorities, and principles

Falk Hilliges, Germany
Abstract #226
Evaluation of water data as a main contribution to the effect monitoring for the implementation of the Fertiliser Ordinance in Germany

Brian Kronvang, Denmark (member of Organising Committee LuWQ2022)
Abstract #20
A novel machine learning national model for diffuse source total phosphorus concentrations in streams

Brian Kronvang, Denmark (member of Organising Committee LuWQ2022)
Abstract #39
Advancing understanding of the importance of surface runoff for delivery of water, sediment, nutrients and pesticides to streams within agricultural catchments

Brian Kronvang, Denmark (member of Organising Committee LuWQ2022)
Abstract #221
Pitfalls and new solutions in water quantity and quality monitoring